How to Remove Labels from Wine Bottles

Prescription Wine Labels

Some tips & tricks on how to remove labels from bottles.

Wine enthusiasts often find themselves eager to transform their wine collection by replacing labels with new and creative designs. Whether you’re looking to add a personal touch with funny labels or embark on a rebranding journey, the process of removing existing wine labels can be both rewarding and challenging. In this guide, we will explore the best ways to remove wine and bottle labels effectively, ensuring a clean slate for your creative endeavors.

Tools and Materials:

Before diving into the label removal process, gather the necessary tools and materials to make the task more efficient. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. **Hot Water:** An essential element for soaking and loosening the label adhesive.

2. **Dish Soap:** Helps break down the adhesive and make it easier to remove the label.

3. **Scrubbing Sponge or Brush:** Used to scrub off any residual adhesive or paper fibers.

4. **Razor Blade or Scraper:** For stubborn labels or adhesive remnants.

5. **Hair Dryer:** Provides heat for labels that are particularly challenging to remove.

6. **Goo Gone or Citrus-Based Solvent:** A helpful option for tackling persistent adhesive residue.

7. **Rubbing Alcohol:** Useful for wiping away any remaining adhesive and ensuring a clean surface.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. **Select the Right Bottles:**

   Begin by choosing bottles with labels that are conducive to removal. Some labels are designed to resist moisture, making them more challenging to peel off. Opt for bottles with paper labels, as these tend to respond better to removal techniques.

2. **Peel Off as Much as Possible:**

   Start by attempting to peel off the label manually. Carefully lift one corner of the label and peel it back slowly. If the label comes off easily, proceed to the next step. If not, don’t worry – we have other methods to help.

3. **Soak in Hot Water:**

   Fill a sink or basin with hot water and add a small amount of dish soap. Submerge the bottle in the hot, soapy water, ensuring the label is fully covered. Let it soak for 15-30 minutes to loosen the adhesive.

4. **Remove the Label:**

   After soaking, try peeling off the label again. If it comes off easily, great! If not, use a scrubbing sponge or brush to gently rub away the softened paper. Repeat the process until the label is completely removed.

5. **Handle Stubborn Labels:**

   For labels that refuse to budge, use a razor blade or scraper to lift the edges. Be cautious to avoid scratching the glass. Once you’ve lifted the label, continue soaking and peeling until it’s completely removed.

6. **Apply Heat with a Hair Dryer:**

   For labels that remain stubborn, a hair dryer can be your ally. Apply heat to the label, keeping the hair dryer at a safe distance to prevent breakage. The warmth will soften the adhesive, making it easier to peel off.

7. **Deal with Residual Adhesive:**

   Even after removing the label, there might be sticky residue left behind. Apply a small amount of Goo Gone or a citrus-based solvent to a cloth and gently rub away the adhesive. Alternatively, rubbing alcohol can be effective in cleaning the surface.

8. **Final Clean-Up:**

   Once the label and adhesive are removed, wash the bottle with warm, soapy water to ensure it’s free from any remaining residue. Dry the bottle thoroughly before applying your new label.

Tips and Precautions:

– **Patience is Key:** Removing labels can be time-consuming, especially if the bottles have stubborn adhesives. Take your time to avoid damaging the bottle.

– **Test a Small Area First:** Before applying any solvent or scraping, test it on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t harm the bottle.

– **Use Caution with Razor Blades:** Be careful when using razor blades or scrapers to avoid injury. Hold the blade at a shallow angle and use gentle pressure.

– **Protect Surfaces:** Place a towel or mat under the bottles to catch any water or solvent drips during the process.


Revamping your wine collection with new and creative labels is a delightful endeavor. By following these steps and being patient, you can successfully remove wine labels and prepare your bottles for an exciting rebranding journey. Whether you’re adding humor with funny labels or simply giving your collection a fresh look, the satisfaction of a well-prepared canvas awaits you. Cheers to creativity and a new chapter in your wine adventures!


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